Monday, August 3, 2015

The ways daughters are like their mothers.

I asked Ryan the other day if there was anything about Aubrey that reminded him of Amanda. 

"Her clumsiness," he said after a moment. 

"And her smile."


When I was a child my mother would often ask me to call the family in for dinner. Our house was like one cavernous room, with all of the other rooms along its perimeter. My father was often tucked away in his office up on the second floor. My brother often hidden away in his room. 

So I did the most expedient thing I could think of. I just yelled "DINNER TIME" at the top of my lungs and then calmly went back to what I was doing.   This drove my mother nuts. 

Several times over the past few weeks I've told Aubrey to tell Ryan it was dinner time. Both times she yelled "DADDY!!  DINNER!!" at the top of her lungs.